Untouched (2022) by Martina Menegon is the sixth video presented within the program FILTRO, the third edition of DIGITAL VIDEO WALL, an annual project structured in thematic chapters, aimed at promoting the dissemination and experimentation of digital art.
The sixth screening is dedicated to the artwork Untouched (2022) by Martina Menegon: the video shows a series of 3D Scan-Selfies from different angles where the eyes can move around and discover this digital sculpture in its details and different aspects. Untouchedis a project presented as an online virtual sculpture with Augmented Reality capability (on compatible mobile). The viewer is absorbed in these recordings of the artist herself, who is now dematerialized: the image is very close to a pictorial representation in which the digital colors are embedded together to build a tridimensional sculpture.
Martina Menegon is an artist working predominantly with Interactive and Extended Reality Art. In her works, Martina creates intimate and complex assemblages of physical and virtual elements that explore the contemporary self and its phygital corporeality. Untouched can be defined within this practice: showing her personal portrait, the artist allows the viewer to enter in her personal and intimate sphere. Menegon breaks her real image and recreates it in digital: this operation reflects on the daily action of representation of the self inside the virtual realities.
She experiments with the uncanny and the grotesque, the self and the body and the dialogue between physical and virtual realities, to create disorienting experiences that become perceivable despite their virtual nature. “Fragmentation is the truth of existence”: these words from Carolyn J. Dean well describe the intimacy inherent in the creative process of Martina Menegon. The 3D Scanning is meant as an extremely personal journey in which the artist can explore her multiple digital selves and achieve a deep understanding of her virtual identities. With Untouched,the virtual three-dimensional selfies propose a new authentic and perceivable digital body, immobile yet constantly performing.
© Martina Menegon, Untouched, 2022, courtesy the artist

Martina Menegon, Untouched, 2022, Installation view, Metronom, Modena (IT)