
Tilo&Toni | Exhibitions on paper 2

Wood meets wallpaper meets water meets shadow meets failure meets layers meets Reklame meets Tilo&Toni meets towel meets Sugimoto meets Ekblad meets scanner meets de Keyser meets horizon meets Fürst-Pückler-Schnitte.


Tilo&Toni will present their newest limited edition production Tilo und Toni grüssen aus Oberkirch und Lützellinden inside Exhibitions on paper 2, on frimai 2 february 2018 at Lütz Studio in Leipzig, DE.

Exhibition on paper it’s a project / concept curated by Isle, Jean-Marie Fahy and Matheline Marmy, with the aim of considering poster as exhibition space. For each number, the invited artists are asked to create a premiere piece, that react and foster the dialogue created with the previous edition.

Each poster is produced in limited edition of 100 copies.

Exhibition on paper 2 / Tilo&Toni + Daniel V. Keller
Lütz Studio, Leipzig (DE)
2. 02. 2018, h 18


Wood meets wallpaper meets water meets shadow meets failure meets layers meets Reklame meets Tilo&Toni meets towel meets Sugimoto meets Ekblad meets scanner meets de Keyser meets horizon meets Fürst-Pückler-Schnitte.