Re:Humanism | call for artists
Re:Humanism Cultural Association announces the second edition of Re:Humanism Art Prize. The contest aims to investigate the advent and dissemination of Artificial Intelligence technologies in Contemporary Art.
Participants are invited to submit projects related to Art and Artificial Intelligence – a proactive vision of the future that awaits us. In particular, artists are invited to develop one of the following topics:
- Body and identity in the age of AI
- Machine learning, Robotics and Computer Vision
- AI Policy and Abuse
- The Anthropology of Artificial Intelligence
- A vision for the future of the planet
Participation in the competition is free and open to professional artists of all ages and nationalities.
Candidates must send an email to with the following attachments:
- Prize Entry Form.
- Project in pdf format containing:
- Project description;
- Images or sketches useful for understanding the project;
- Dimensions of the works for the exhibition planning;
- Detailed list of technical equipment required to complete the project and any additional useful information;
- Approximate budget for the realization of the artwork.
- Bio and CV of the artist, link to her/his websites (if available).
- A short video presentation of the project (maximum 2 minutes).
The selecting commettee will accept WeTranfer submissions.
Eleven (11) projects will be selected by the jury composed of the organizers, high-level external experts in the field of Contemporary Art and New digital technologies, and will be distributed as follows:
- 1° place – 3.000,00 € cash prize + 4.000,00 € production budget
- 2 ° place – 2.000,00 € cash prize + 3.000,00 € production budget
- 3 ° place – 1.000,00 € cash prize + 2000,00 € production budget
The other 7 classified will receive a participation cost coverage of 500 € per artist (any cost of transportation, food and accommodation is to be considered included in this budget). The top 10 selected project will participate in an exhibition at Maxxi Rome in Sala Corner, in May 2021, barring unforeseen circumstances due to the current health emergency from Covid-19. Romaeuropa Digitalive Prize – to be allocated to a future performative project produced and presented within the official program of the festival (economic value: 1,500.00€ production, 500.00€ fee for the artist – period October 2021).
The first three prizes are to be considered with the acquisition of the artwork; therefore, the artists will be required to leave to the organization the entire work or part of it, in accordance with the agreements following prize acceptance.
Deadline: January 12, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. CEST
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