
Peckham 24 / Artists in conversation

On saturday 19th may at 7pm at Bussey Building in London, will be held the talk Confronting Technology and Politics, and How To Live and Act in the Present, part of Peckham 24 Festival public program, co-curated by Melinda Gibson, Steffi Klenz and Duncan Wooldridge.

The talk, led by Jean Wainwright and Duncan Wooldridge, will host the artists Thomas Kujipers, Lisa Barnard, Felicity Hammond, Steffi Klenz e Ben McDonnell. They will discuss contemporary approaches to photography through the filter of politics and technology. How can the abstractions of capital be made visible through photography, and how does photography extend, affect or undo notions of fear and terror?

The Peckham 24 Festival has chosen to focus – for the 2018 edition – upon two forces: generosity and hospitality. The programme will bring together critical voices from both within and outside of photography, to discuss how the image connects to and affects the world at large, and how to support, critically and proactively, long-lasting artistic practice and discourse.


Peckham 24 Festival / Artist Talk
saturday 19 may, 7 pm
Bussey Building