

Two big, thin and strong tripods iron made, placed in a room with a light wood parquet, white and bright windows and a chimney with an elegant style. This is the setting in which Composizione su due treppiedi (2023) by Andreas Zampella, painter and sculptor from Salerno, diffuses itself. The installation is composed by hundreds of thin and creamy white colored rolls, made of silicone and flour, hanged in the central part of themselves at the iron tripods bars. All the silicone rolls have different lenght. They go down and finish in small foot forms. The visual effect they release is that of many pale legs dangling on a cliff edge. Zampella’s practice is characterized by using body parts, as if he wants to underline the human presence in the art, and the artist presence in the reality.
The artist assumes the role of scenographer to set up every element on the scene: every leg pair assumes the role of actor, who acts and interacts with the viewer.

Andreas Zampella defines himself as a painter and sculptor, but his practise is more various and trasversal. He prefers oil painting, often mixed with different materials like clay, graphite and glaze. The intention to investigate nature and all its representation forms emerges from the numerous medium and languages used by the artist. It’s inside this variety that Composizione su due treppiedi takes place. The viewer’s mind is immediately taken to a culinary imagery because of the flour mixed with silicone. From a distance the rolls might look like spaghetti left to dry, or even dough rolls which, once cut and cooked, became eccentric potato gnocchi. The throat is the focus choosen by Zampella to realize this work: the throat as a desire, the desire to explore, the throat as the body part where food passes, the throat as the place where sounds are generated. With sounds we pronounce words, words tell stories and stories feed the imagination. The innumerable legs hanging at eye level become curtains, crossing them is possible to go to another world. Thus the artist closes the circle of thoughts and weaves the threads of this spider web made of references and interconnections.

Composizione su due treppiedi is part of the solo exhibition Dove nascono gli uccelli, showed at the Nashira Gallery of Milan and open to visitors until May 15th.


Andreas Zampella
Composizione su due treppiedi, 2023, detail
Silicone, flour, iron, environmental measures
© Courtesy the artist and the gallery


Andreas Zampella, Composizione su due treppiedi, 2023, installation view at Nashira Gallery, Milano © Courtesy the artist and the gallery

Andreas Zampella, Composizione su due treppiedi, 2023, installation view at Nashira Gallery, Milano
© Courtesy the artist and the gallery

