© Bertozzi&Casoni, Paulista, 2023, ceramica policroma. Photo Nazario Spadoni. Tranche de vie, 2023, Imola.


“Bertozzi & Casoni. Tranche de vie” is an exhibition project, curated by Diego Galizzi, that involves the three public museums in Imola: Palazzo Tozzoni, Museo San Domenico, and Rocca Sforzesca.
Giampaolo Bertozzi and Stefano Dal Monte Casoni are the artistic duo that has revolutionized the role of ceramics in the contemporary art scene, creating sculptures on the verge of realism.

At Palazzo Tozzoni, the works engage with the surroundings, creating a surprising path that evokes the daily life of the Tozzoni family. The portico of Museo San Domenico, on the other hand, hosts an arrangement of works that narrate the artistic journey of Bertozzi & Casoni, starting from their origins, before the duo defined the artistic language that characterizes them. Lastly, in the southeast tower of Rocca Sforzesca, the installation “La morte dell’eros” is on display.


More info: Imola Musei
Dates: until February 18, 2024

Cover image: © Bertozzi & Casoni, Paulista, 2023, polychrome ceramic. Photo Nazario Spadoni. Tranche de vie, 2023, Imola.